Award Recipients
In 2024, the FCBA Foundation selected 26 students from Washington, DC public high schools for merit and need-based awards and college scholarships to be distributed over four years of matriculation. Also, the Foundation awarded scholarships to 6 law school students and stipends to 12 law school students who have accepted unpaid public service internships in communications-related agencies for the summer. None of these awards would be possible without the generous support of the FCBA’s members and the organizations in which they work. We thank you for your generosity!
2022 Foundation Award Recipients
AT&T Scholarship ($15,000)
Mark Van Bergh Scholarship ($10,000)
Cox Enterprises Scholarship ($10,000)
Internship: FCC, Media Bureau, Policy Division
Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® Scholarship ($10,000)
Internship: FCC, Enforcement Bureau, Telecommunication Consumers Division
Internship: Department of Commerce, Commercial Law Development Program Recipient of the Henry Geller Internship Stipend
FCBA Foundation Scholarship
FCBA Foundation Scholarship ($8,000)
FCBA Foundation Scholarship ($8,000)
Internship: FCC, Media Bureau, Industry Analysis Division
Karen Kincaid Scholarship ($10,000)
FCBA Foundation Scholarship ($8,000)
FCBA Foundation Scholarship ($8,000)
Internship: FCC, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau
Internship: FCC, Office of Commissioner Starks Recipient of the Diane Cornell Internship Stipend
Internship: FCC, Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau, Policy and Licensing Division FCBA Foundation Scholarship
Internship: FCC, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau
Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP Scholarship ($10,000)
T-Mobile US, Inc. Scholarship ($15,000)
Google Scholarship ($10,000)
Internship: FCC, Media Bureau, Policy Division Recipient of the Diane Cornell Internship Stipend
FCBA Foundation Scholarship
FCBA Foundation Scholarship ($8,000)
Comcast NBC Universal Scholarship ($15,000)
FCBA Foundation Scholarship ($8,000)
USTelecom – The Broadband Association Scholarship ($10,000)
Internship: FCC, Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, Policy and Licensing Division
Internship: FCC, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Broadband Division
Internship: FCC, Office of General Counsel Recipient of the Andy Tollin Internship Stipend
Lumen Scholarship ($10,000)
Mark Van Bergh Scholarship ($10,000)
Internship: FCC, Media Bureau, Policy Division
NCTA – The Internet & Television Association Scholarship ($10,000)
Verizon Scholarship ($15,000)
Internship: FCC, Wireline Competition Bureau, Competition Policy Division
FCBA Foundation Scholarship ($8,000)
Fox Corporation Scholarship ($20,000)
Internship: FCC, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, Office of the Bureau Chief Recipient of the Diane Cornell Internship Stipend
Internship: FCC, Wireline Competition Bureau, Telecommunications Access Policy Division
Internship: FCC, Office of Commissioner Starks
Internship: NTIA, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs Recipient of the Henry Geller Internship Stipend
CTIA Scholarship ($10,000)
Internship: FCC, Office of Commissioner Starks
Young Lawyers and Charity Auction Scholarship ($20,000)
FCBA Foundation Scholarship ($8,000)
FCBA Foundation Scholarship ($8,000
DLA Piper LLP Scholarship ($10,000)
FCBA Foundation Scholarship ($8,000)
2023 Foundation College Scholarship Recipients

2023 Foundation Law School Scholarship Recipients