To promote the goal of broad attendance and boost participation from government employees, the FCBA is offering up to 10 Annual Seminar stipends of $160.00. The stipends will reduce the government registration fee from $260 to $100. The registration fee covers Friday and Saturday receptions and dinners, Saturday and Sunday breakfasts, group entertainment, and attendance at the seminar.
Stipend recipients will be responsible for the government registration fee of $100 and all other costs of attending the Seminar, including travel and lodging expenses.
Stipends will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Applicants are urged to apply early.
Information and Application Instructions:
- Stipends are available to full-time government members.
- Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. The cut-off date for applications is Friday, April 11, 2025.
- Stipends may be applied only toward the registration fee for the 2024 FCBA Annual Seminar. Individuals receiving stipends are responsible for the remainder of the government registration fee ($100), and all other costs of attending the seminar, including travel and lodging expenses.
Click here for the application and email to Stephanie Budaker at