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CLE Seminar: Position, Navigation, and Timing: How the United States Can Find Itself Again

The FCBA Space and Global Communications Committee will sponsor a CLE on Wednesday, April 2, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET entitled Position, Navigation, and Timing: How the United States Can Find Itself Again.  The program will be held virtually via the Zoom platform.

Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) technologies, most notably Global Positioning Systems (GPS), are integral to nearly every aspect of our lives—from autonomous vehicles and logistics to mobile applications and defense.  GPS has served as the basis for PNT, however, GPS has become increasingly vulnerable from accidental, natural and malicious threats, This CLE will explore the increasingly consequential role of PNT and how we can ensure the reliability that is required for today’s PNT uses through safeguarding GPS and utilizing PNT alternatives.  We will also explore what regulatory and other changes need to be made to ensure that the full range of PNT alternatives are available so as to have the most reliable PNT services possible.

The FCBA will apply for 2.0 hours of MCLE credit from the VA Bar.  This program has not yet been approved.

Click here to register.

Make sure to log into your account to receive the member rates!  If you are signing up on behalf of a member, please sign in using their credentials (username and password). By doing this, the information will be linked to their account.

If you have any issues, please contact Elina Gross at


1:00 – 1:05 p.m.          Welcome and Introductions

Scott Tollefsen, Space Committee Co-Chair

1:05 – 1:20 p.m.          Overview: The Importance of PNT

This session will describe GPS and other existing Global Navigation Satellite Systems, the scope of the economy’s reliance on GPS, threats impacting delivery of GPS services, aspects of how the U.S. government is working with industry to develop and test alternative PNT solutions, and related topics.


Bryan Benedict, Senior Director of Innovation and Satellite Programs, SES Space & Defense

1:20 – 2:10 p.m.          Where Are We Today

This panel session will offer a discussion on the current state of affairs of PNT, both domestically and internationally.  Topics will include in-depth looks at the PNT technologies we use today, how these technologies are regulated, and the challenges to effective and reliable provision of PNT in the United States and abroad.


Jillian Quigley, Space Committee Co-Chair


Harold Martin, National Coordination Office (NCO) for Space-Based PNT, Department of Transportation [Invited]

Christina Youn, General Counsel and Director of Regulatory Affairs, Xona Space Systems [Invited]

Lisa Dyer, Executive Director, GPS Council

Matt Furlow, Senior Director and Policy Counsel, US Chamber of Commerce

 2:10– 2:55 p.m.          Where Should PNT Go From Here?

The panel will discuss how to ensure that PNT is available now and in the future through ways to address reliability issues and how new technologies are being deployed to further enable PNT.


Jennifer Manner, Space Committee Co-Chair


Steve Poizner, Founder and CEO, OneNav

Robert Folliard, Senior Vice President, Government Relations & Distribution, Gray Television

Jesse Morehouse, Business Development Analysis Director, Lockheed Martin Space

2:55 to 3:00 p.m.        Wrap-Up

Henry Wendel, Space Committee Co-Chair


Cost: $135.00 for Private Sector Members; $95.00 for Non-Profit 501c3 Members; $50.00 for Government/Academic/Transitional/Retired Members; No charge for Law Student Members; $205.00 for Non-Members