Title: DPP Year 4 Program Kick-off
Date/Time: Monday, October 23, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. ET
Location: Virtual via the Zoom platform
Description: Since its inception in 2020, the FCBA Diversity Pipeline Program has provided valuable opportunities for diverse first-year law students in pursuing careers in the TMT space.
In this virtual kickoff, the DPP Committee will share details on the purpose, timelines, and the application process for the 2024 Summer Internship Program. Tech Bar leaders and previous Diversity Pipeline Program interns will also share their perspectives about the Program, the importance of diversity in the law, and legal opportunities in the TMT space.
We invite prospective employer participants, student applicants, and anyone curious about our Summer 2024 Program to join us.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at diversitypipeline@fcba.org or reach out to our Diversity Pipeline Program Committee leads:
- Anisa Green (al7161@att.com)
- Rudy Brioché (rudy_brioche@comcast.com)
- Svetlana Gans (sgans@gibsondunn.com