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For Students

The FCBA welcomes students to participate in all of our activities! As The Tech Bar, we offer a broad range of professional and networking programs related to the technology, media, and telecom (TMT) sector, most with significant student discounts. Events range from continuing legal education webinars to a variety of in-person activities including happy hours and receptions.

Diversity Pipeline
Internship Program

Focused on facilitating paid employment opportunities in the Washington, D.C. area offices of TMT organizations.

Young Lawyers

FCBA membership offers professionals new to the communications industry an extraordinary opportunity to meet and network with their peers.

Find a Chapter Near You

We have eleven chapters located throughout the country. So if you are located outside of Washington, D.C., you are welcome to reach out to one of our chapter co-chairs to learn more about specific programming in your area. 

Learn About THE
FCBA Foundation

Supporting tomorrow’s leaders. The Foundation helps students from the Washington, D.C. area pursue their educational goals through the FCBA Foundation College Scholarship program. They also assist law students with tuition scholarships and stipends for otherwise unpaid summer internships in technology, communications, and telecommunications law and policy.
Member Spotlight »

Edward "Smitty" Smith

Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, T-Mobile US

"The FCBA has been an invaluable part of my professional and personal life, providing me with opportunities to expand my knowledge, network, engage in philanthropy and, perhaps most importantly, build community and friendships."