Congressional Reception
The FCBA is pleased to announce that it will be holding its 2025 Congressional Reception on Wednesday, April 30 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at NCTA, 25 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC. Once again, Members of the House and Senate Commerce, Homeland Security, and Judiciary Committees are being invited to attend, as well as their staff and telecom advisors.
This reception is being hosted by the FCBA and co-hosted by a variety of telecom trade associations, including CTIA, NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association, and others to be announced. Over 100 Members and staff attended the last Congressional Reception.
Sponsorships of the event are available for $1,000 and $750, and include registrations to the reception. Sponsors will receive recognition at the event, in addition to being listed in the FCBA newsletter, in promotional emails, on the website, and on other social media outlets.

Sponsorship and Registration Information
- SIGN IN to your account using your credentials.
- Go to EVENTS – 04/30/25 Congressional Reception Individual Registration – register and select attendee type. If you are not signed in, you will not receive the member discount.
- If you are signing up on behalf of a member, sign in using their credentials (username and password).
*If you are using one of your organization’s complimentary sponsorship registrations, do not register here. Elina Gross will work with your organization’s contact to gather those names.
- SIGN IN to your account using your credentials.
- Go to EVENTS – 04/30/25 Congressional Reception Sponsorship – register and select the level.
- If you are signing up on behalf of a member, sign in using their credentials (username and password).
*Purchasing a sponsorship will not automatically register anyone. Elina Gross will contact you separately to determine who will be using the complimentary registration(s). IF YOU ARE A PLATINUM SPONSOR, YOU DO NOT NEED TO SIGN UP TO SPONSOR AGAIN. We will contact you for further information.

Thanks to Our 2025 Congressional Reception Sponsors!
CO-HOST sponsorS
NCTA – The Internet and Television Association
NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association
PLATINUM sponsors
AT&T Services
Covington & Burling LP
Wiley Rein LLP
Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP